About Us
Established in 1975, the Pennsylvania Art Conservatory has proudly served collectors, galleries and museums for more than 45 years. Whether restoration, conservation, heirloom quality framing or a perfect addition to your art collection, the Conservatory's highly experienced team is here to help.
We pride ourselves on making art accessible to our clients. Our gallery is purposefully curated but stylistically diverse allowing for discovery and exploration. Our conservation team is approachable and talented and endeavors to bring museum quality restoration to every individual client. Our framers and carvers are the very best in the world of art and work to make each and every piece shine with the perfect heirloom frame.
Very simply, we love art and we are very happy to share our passion, knowledge and resources with each and every client.

Philip Rosenfeld, 1991

The Conservatory, 1990

Philip and Matthew, 1989